Child Plan Insurance
Life Insurance
Term Insurance
Child Plan Insurance
Pension Plan Insurance
Monthly Income Insurance
Money Back Insurance
Investment Plan Insurance
This plan is specially designed to meet the increasing educational and other needs of growing children. It provides the risk cover on the life of child not only during the policy term but also during the extended term A number of Survival benefits are payable on surviving by the life assured to the end of the specified durations.

As a parent, you would not like to compromise your child's bright career, regardless of the rising cost of education. All you need is a savings plan that is designed to provide money at key educational milestones and take care of your loved ones future even if you are not around.

Children's Plans helps you save so that you can fulfill your child's dreams and aspirations. These plans go a long way in securing your child's future by financing the key milestones in their lives even if you are no longer around to oversee them.

As a parent, you wish to provide your child with the very best that life offers, the best possible education, marriage and life style.

Most of these goals have a price tag attached and unless you plan your finances carefully, you may not be able to provide the required economic support to your child when you need it the most.