Money Back Insurance
Life Insurance
Term Insurance
Child Plan Insurance
Pension Plan Insurance
Monthly Income Insurance
Money Back Insurance
Investment Plan Insurance
Investors need to identify the financial goals throughout life or for the next 10 to 15 years depending upon the time horizon selected by the investor, and prioritizing them. Investment Planning is important because it helps in deriving the maximum benefit from the investments.

Success as an investor depends upon his investment in right instrument in right time and for the right period. This, in turn, depends on the requirements, needs and goals. For most investors, however, the three prime criteria of evaluating any investment option are liquidity, safety and level of return.

Investment Planning also helps to decide upon the right investment strategy. Besides individual requirement, investment strategy would also depend upon age, personal circumstances and risk appetite.

Investment Planning also helps in striking a balance between risk and returns. By prudent planning, it is possible to arrive at an optimal mix of risk and returns, which suits particular needs and requirements.

Investment means putting the ideal money to work to earn more money. Done wisely, it can help you meet financial goals. Investing even a small amount can produce considerable rewards over the long-term, especially if you do it regularly. But one needs to decide about how much he / she wants to invest and where.